Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do i buy apps on my LG quantum?

I just bought my LG quantum, and every time i go to an app's info page to buy it, two buttons come up.. "install" and "share" i click install and then there are two buttons that say "Buy" and "Cancel" but the buy button isnt highlighted so i cant click it... and then a white box comes up telling me the info couldnt be found and to check back later.. any help??

Game fly is it good? Worth it?

So i was watching tv and saw the promo code G4 and i tried it at and its the free 14 day trial but is it worth it. And after the trial ends what if i still have the game? Do i have to send it back. And Also after the trial will they automatically change to the packages or will it cancel by it self after the trial because after the trial i wont use gamefly anymore so i dont want to be paying for something i'm not using. Will they send me an email saying the trial ended and would you like to switch to a package? Because right now all i want is Black Ops and i really want to try it. And is it a good deal, how fast to ship it to new york for one game? And when they send it to me do they send it to me at my door or at the post office? Do i have to sign anything when receiving my package? Also give me any other information i need to know about gamefly like customer service and stuff.

Found a bird egg? (question is too short)?

Check for cracks, if there aren't any then continue what your doing. if it hatches then keep it warm until you can get it to a bird rehabilitator because they will be able to identify and care for the chick until adolescence when they will release it. IT IS ILLEGAL TO KEEP MIGRATORY BIRDS IN YOUR HOUSE

Did I miss anything? Grooming box question?

you need fly spray. Also I dont know how often you bathe your horse but shampoo and conditioner and showsheen for when you are done bathing. baby wipes are also very helpful when you are cleaning there nose and around there face. Also I like to keep corona( like neosporin but for horses) for cuts and gloves in my grooming kit. I think you should get another kit for first aid. Its always helpful to have basic products in case there ever is a problem with your horse. I like to keep corona in there, and a basic scrub just in case there are cuts that need to be washed down. Peroxide is also very helpful.

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

You're not being a *****. You are a really nice person and seem to be a bit of a pushovet, if your friend is too tired to ride the train you are not obliged to drive her.

Boyfriend seems to be avoiding me, what do i do?

It doesn't really sound like you are even dating anymore. I think you should just make it official and tell him its over. Maybe that's what he wants, maybe not. It doesn't matter, he's failing as a boyfriend and you deserve better.

The people doing my training treat me like an idiot. I just quit, did I do the right thing?

I would have spoken to the boss about the way the other employees treat you. Also never just up and quit without at least a minimum of two weeks notice. It its just not a good or fair thing to do to an employer. People nowadays have no patients. Those other people should have tried to be understanding of your needing a little more help. Sorry that you got stuck with people like that.

Best place in water to cast net for bait fish/mullet?

Im heading down to Gaveston this friday (gulf of mexico) and im wondering where in the water is the best to catch the above? i went 3 years ago and i caught tons of mullet and 1 good catch of bait fish but the last two years have been bad and it is raining half decent down there now so i hope the waves bring in some good fish. should i go knee deep or go out a sandbar or two? i need the bait fish for good speckled trout bait and we might cook some mullet while we are there

Can this be a cavity, I am not sure ?

I spotted about two weeks ago a tiny tiny speckle which to me looked like a cavity, I saw two one on each bottom side. Now I took those little mirrors dentist have and looked up top on the right side I do see a thin slightly dark line under a tooth, can that also be a cavity? I thought they were always holes or cracks. I do not have any pain either there or where I see the tiny speckle like hole. I won't be able to get an appointment until 2 weeks from now with my dad (who is a dentist in NJ) I am in Texas and will be heading there next week. So, any thoughts if that can be a cavity as well?

Why do people still buy xbox 360's if they have so much problems with it?

The new Xbox 360 doesn't I a lot stronger than the other Xbox's and also it's cheaper so I would say to get an Xbox because it's has a better range of games if your not into those COD games.

3 Tamil Brahmin and Congress woes!!!!!Is that a ao-incidence?

Agree with u..An important thing is they are honest and uncorrupt. I have always been happy and proud of being a Tamil brahmin.

ITunes Letting Me Redownload My Purchases!?!?

iTunes does that. Even Apple has decided that you shouldn't have to pay for something again once you bought it.

Is this possible when breeding mixed breed rabbits?

Anything is possible when breeding mixed breed rabbits. Smudge is a mixed breed as well. If she had any rex kits, she is not a pure bred Californian since rex is a recessive trait and to produce rex kits BOTH parents must carry the gene. True Californians do not carry rex.

We opened probate but it seems we will need to foreclose on the home..?

The finds will go against the property and will be recorded as a lien, and any proceeds left over prior to the title company, to issue a clear title insurance policy to the new owner.

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

No! She is tired so she doesn't want to come to you. So it is completely understandable that if you are tired you would not want to go to her. Youre friends need to be more understanding of your situation, even though you chose to live uptown. Your friends chose to live downtown. You are both entitled to live in the location of your choice. If they want to stay friends, they need to make sacrafices too. You are not a one way street. You should talk to them about this situation. If they are good friends, they will understand and be accomodating. But you should also be prepared to possibly lose a few friends. But just remember, if you lose friends over something like this, youre better off without them because you need friends that will be with you through anything, even an annoying commute.

Summarize this? (just english)?

Google "Genesis 31:1-20" for a more modern English version. You ask with a command rather than a polite request, the answer comes back with a command rather than polite obedience. This is your work to do.

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Small things like cucoons with little white caterpillar with a red head on my guest room wall?

I went in there to clean up and I found that these little grey speckled things on the wall that I had believed to be very moths but I saw a little worm like things coming out. They're very tiny about 1cm long and the worm /caterpillar thing inside is very thin with a completely white body and a red head, its pokes it out has a look round and any disturbance makes it shoot back in again. Any help in identifying these would be great Thanks in advance.

In Hong Kong All Black Bird, including beak, with white spots?

I was in Hong Kong Island, in Hong Kong Park, by the Teaware Museum when I came a cross a bird in the shrubs that was all black including the beak, but had white speckled spots on its back. Does anyone know what bird this is?

Is this still heterochromia?

my uncles dog has each eye 2 colors. on BOTH eyes, the tops are green, then speckle down to blue. remember, it's not green one eye, and blue the other. no. both eyes are both green AND blue. he doesn't seem to have vision problems, as he can play fetch perfectly fine (indeed, he'll play fetch for hours, stopping only to drink water). i was wondering, is this an extreme case of Heterochromia, or is it something different?

Will my maternity benefits be affected when I move from B.C. to Ontario?

I tried to look for that on the Service Canada website but they are not clear on that. I have to wait until Monday to call and I am just worried that they will cancel my benefits! I gave them my new address and now for some reason a decision has to be made on my claim! Anyone know what that means? Any input would be great. Thanks!

What kind of bird nest is this?

I was taking a walk in the neighborhood and I noticed a huge bird nest in someone's front yard. It is not in a tree, but on the ground. It is not in the grass, but on a patch of dirt. It is large, like I said, and was made of sticks. There were three large eggs in it. The eggs were shaped like ovals, and were each the size of a large potato. They were borwn speckled. I didn't see the mom. Has she abandoned her nest? What kind of nest is it?

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

I'm not superstitious but is this a sign?

I was supposed to take a plane from NY to California and this is the second time it was canceled. I am flying because I'm supposed to be bringing my friend some things which her friend was supposed to drop off so that at the same time I can visit her and see her new apt(She just moved there). The first time I didn't fly because her friend brought me my friend's things but one of the boxes was missing. The second my flight was cancelled completely. Then my sister told me she had a dream that something happened to me. I am not superstitious at all but I was told that this is "a sign" That i'm not supposed to fly. I am freaking out, do you agree that this is a sign, should I cancel the flight and have someone else bring her the things?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is she wanting me to talk to her or leave her alone?

Try reposting this in the relationship category... Law enforcement and Police have nothing to do with this...

Can a freeholder change or sell the lease without consulting the leaseholder?

I own a Victorian terraced conversion flat on the top floor and have done a loft conversion with the freeholder's consent. 4 years after I had completed the loft conversion, the freeholder created and sold a lease to the airspace above the property to 3rd party without my consent. I am trying to sell my flat but the buyer has said that he will not buy it unless the lease to the airspace if cancelled as it could mean that the lease owner could develop above the property. In reality, there is no way to develop upwards on top of a loft conversion, nor is there any access to the roof without going through my flat. However, the buyers solicitors have said that with the airspace lease in place, I will never be able to sell my flat as it will put off all future buyers. Is it legal for the leaseholder to sell off the airspace above the property without consulting me first?

How do you set up a Group Texting list with the I-Phone 3GS?

Got my first smart phone and need to send multiple people the same text message at one time (i.e. Practice is cancelled). On my dumb phone I had "caller groups" that I had set up and could highlight that group and send 1 text message to everyone at once. With my new I-Phone... I do not know how to set up those groups. Any assistance would be great!

Why don't people need cars in England?

I heard somewhere that a lot of people don't have or need cars in England compared to the United States. Why is this? Is it because public transport is that good/extensive?

I found a very small light blue egg with light tan speckles on it.?

It is about .75 inches tall and about .5 inches wide. The colors are very very light. It weighs about 2-5 ounces(just guessing by looks). What type of egg is it?

I fell off my bike and now I can't feel my hand?

You could possibly have nerve damage. The CT will confirm nerve damage. The most important thing for you to do now is to not cause further injury to the area. Rest your right hand. A cold compress and motrin can help reduce swelling, therefore take pressure of the nerve and prevent further injury. Call your Dr. and ask for his/her opinion for treatment. I am only a nurse with a suggestion consult your Dr. for the best treatment for you.

American Idol or Glee? Which do you prefer?

I prefer Glee im so over American Idol its just gotten old for me and all the right ppl always get voted off

Hanging out with a boy? Nervous!! Helppp...?

okay first take a deep breath. ok since you did this just relax and be yourself all guys like myself hate girls who are fake he is there just to enjoy you so just relax and be yourself

15 year old boy, I want a life... :/?

Join extra curriculum. I suggest band. They're stereotyped as nerds, I know. But it's a family. You have to spend so much time with them. Band room becomes home. And you make tons of friends and in my band class "That's what she said " jokes are famous. It's a ton of fun. Oh! And you get the full right to say "This one time at band camp.." you will enjoy it(: band camP for marching requires TONS of physical work, and my friend lost 20 lbs from it.

Do different types of chickens/roosters crow at the right times? Right times meaning in the morning.?

Barred Rock & Plymouth Rock are actually the same thing: Plymouth Rock is the breed & Barred Rock is a specific coloration within the breed. It usually depends on each individual chicken how much they crow & whether or not they're breaking the eggs.

A small pink pill with no inscription. What could it be?

I have found a bag of pills, about the size of a Tylenol pill but a speckled white and mostly pink pill. It doesn't have a smooth coating and it doesn't have an inscription. It's bigger than a birth control pill. Any ideas?

What should the skin look like after a punch biopsy?

I had a mole removed 4 days ago. She did a punch biopsy but it isn't stitched. I 've been cleaning it and keeping it covered with a band-aid. There is a stain around the wound that started as a purple discoloring but now is a dark brown speckled stain. It is much darker than what the mole was. Is that normal? Is it blood under the first layer of skin? Will it go away? What is it?

What kind of owl might this be?

A bird flew through my work today and my coworkers suggested it was an owl. I've searched pictures online, but it's no owl I can find. The bird was small enough to be scooped up in someones hands, but its wingspan was about two feet. Its beak was hooked like a predator and was all black. The feathers were speckled dark brown and black. Unfortunately, I didn't get a look at its tail or feet. D: Any ideas? It looks very similar to a western burrowing owl, but darker and with a black beak, if it helps.


I think there's too much description. This could be made shorter and clearer by removing most of the adverbs and adjectives and leaving only the necessary ones that add something to the story.

Is it actually possible to get a 100 on the Trigonometry Regents?

yes it is very possible b/c when i took the geometry regents i got a 100. I know geometry is a lot easier than trig but if you study hard it will come nautrally.

Teddy graham flavors?

When I was younger there was a pink box of teddy grahams that were called something like Tutti Frutti and the teddy grahams had rainbow speckles. Unfortunately no one seems to remember them not even Google. Does anyone else remember these?

My daughter suffers from annorexia, but lately has been doing a lot of strange late at night binges?

The best advice and help you can get is from the therapist that she is seeing. This is dangerous and just as dangerous as not eating. You can go to the site which is the site for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. On their site you can find the phone number for your local chapter. They are there for support, information, and they have the best resources for the help that your daughter needs in your area. It would help to talk to them if her therapist isn't helping her.

Why did the Cars right a song about an egg?

There was a band called the Cars and they wrote a song about an egg. I have no idea what its called, but it was about some dude finding a speckled egg in a tree and taking it and other people wanting to look at it... please only realistic answers... thanks!

How to ruduce noise in photoshop when printing?

I made a business card in photoshop and there is NO noise while it is on the screen... but when I go to print it it is FULL of speckles!!! I have tried all the reduce noise features in photoshop but like I said... when it is on the screen there are no speckles! I'm guessing this is a printing problem then?! How do I fix this so it prints correctly?!

NYU TISCH early decision/regular decision dilemna question!?

So apply ED. If Tisch really feels like they need to see your grades before they make a decision, they'll defer you to the regular period anyway.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'd like the most religious of people to answer this...and be honest.?

As for following any type of Church i would say no. But one would have ask there selves at some point who started and created all this. Why am i here. So there would be questions that i think one might start searching for a answer.

I need a list of Doctors that can perform a preputioplasty surgery in Toronto?

I have phimosis, and have done extensive research. I know all about stretching, and the soloutions. I have determined that my problem is not in a tight foreskin per se, but a phimotic ring, that makes retraction of the foreskin past the glans difficult, and forms the "waist" shape squeezing of the shaft when retracted. I have also determined that my condition can be cured through a preputioplasty surgery, definately NOT circumsicion, or a dorsal slit. I've been having trouble find doctors that can perform this surgery, however, and would truly appreciate any knowledge on practitioners of this surgery.

If you eat a moldy pringle, what will happen?

They were two years old and their used by date was 09/2010! They had speckles of black on them, I think it was mould. Will I get sick if I eat 10?

Does this mean he likes me more than just friends or not?

I've had the same thing happen to me. Yes, this means he likes you. He was just thinking over your feelings for him at the time, and I think spending the 4th of July with him would be the perfect opportunity.

How can I make intercourse last longer?

My boyfriend, who I love unconditionally, doesn't exactly have the sexual appetite or stamina that I do. He's aware of this, and lets it bother him more than me. He definitely makes an extensive effort to please me with foreplay, but when it comes to actually having sex, it's a good day to last 2 minutes before he's climaxed. We've tried various positions, including me on top so I can have more control over speed and intensityand even with the slowest and slightest of moments it's less than 5 minutes. I've also tried getting him off first then trying again in hopes less sensitivity would add some time. Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


so at midnight i get logged off because of the time limit on the 15 min. before i get kicked off, in the bottom right corner it will say "you will be logged off in 15 minutes" so how can i cancel it for bypass it or something! i cant change time because i need admin pass for that so plz help me and give good answers with all detailed steps i really need help here! 10 points!

What kind of animal was this?

So I was at the beach in Northern Florida and I was digging with my hands near the water and a weird animal ran out. It was fast and dug a hole under the sand very fast. It was white and it had a dome shape back. It had black speckles on its back. It had four legs and it looked kind of bull legged. I don't think i saw its head. what could this have been?

What happened to my skin? I went out for a tan then had these tiny bumps on my stomach?

I was tanning outside for 30 mins in my bkyard, it was almost 100 degrees outside but I kept cool with a fan and a body mist. When I came inside I noticed tiny white bumps all over stomach, chest, they sort of looked like speckles of sand but that's impossible. I looked closer and they looked like tiny white hads. They didn't itch. This never happened before either. They disappeared like after 10 mins. What was that? At the time It got me scared to never want to tan again.

MS Excel 2007 or 2010 help?

Go to the empty column on the right. There enter the following formula =ABS(A5). copy this formula to all the rows of that column. Then this column has the absolute value of column A data. Now you can use this column to match the entried and cancel them

My sister and I found eggs at our parents farm?

We found a brown speckled egg and we think that it's a sand piper (bird). We wrapped it in a blanket and put a 25 watt bulb REALLY close to the egg. In how long will it hatch and are we taking care of it the right way?

6 months without a period?

I'm 14 almost 15 and I've had a period science I was 11 and they've alway been very irregular, never 2 months in a row. And always VERY light for 3-4 days. But now I havent had a period in 6 almost 7 months. I'm starting to get worried because of my very extensive family history of Ovarian diseases, I was diagnosesd with large cysts on both ovaries on my 13 birthday... Is it normal to be this irregular.??

Hamsters: climbing and heights?

I am considering adopting hamsters. I have done extensive research on their food, habitat, behavior, and habits. What I'm not so sure about is their climbing habits. Are they afraid of heights? Will they climb up a ramp to a second level? Will they fall off the level?? Any advice on climbing and heights is appreciated!! Thank you!!

A Question about Henderson Baby Lima Beans...?

I've been growing them for my science fair project, (Can seeds germinate w/o soil) and one has become purple-speckled! I don't know if it's some pigment or something in the bean itself, or if it is just a normal thing, but the other specimens remained the same white-green color. Does anyone know why this happened?

What happened to me in my sleep?

I was dreaming and then I woke up but I was paraliyzed and I could not move no matter how hard I fought. I know this wasn't a dream because I woke up from my dream and I could look around and see but could not move. Also I was seeing silver speckles everywhere and it felt like I was floating.

Trichomycosis on my balls?

"Anyone who diagnoses himself, has a fool for a patient." See a Dr. More than likely, you'll need a prescription.

Soul Eater is it cancelled or what?

Soul Eater has ended :/..i mean all 51 episodes are out. I don't think there will be any other seasons though..

I got a 11.99 % interest rate for a used Toyota Camry after completing a 3 year lease.?

The finance manager said that this was the absolute best they could offer since the credit score was below average (620) and there was only one late payment. Was this actually the best deal I could receive? After signing the contract for this type of deal, can I rescind and cancel the contract to negotiate better terms?

Please explain this sentence?

Many business which do not require a specific geographical location or extensive labor are set up in tax havens, to minimize tax exposure.

Light grey juvenile cichlid w a thick black horizontal stripe and dark red speckles on body, topfin, and tail?

I just got this cichlid and i already forgot the name of it. It's only a juvenile but it is lightish grey. The horizontal black line is thicker closer to the tail and thins out to bout the middle of it's body doesn't go all the way to its mouth. The speckles are like a dark red or maybe a brown lil speckle on it's body and it's top fin and tail. really pretty just wish i knew what it was i dont remember hehe silly me XP. any help will be greatly appreciated!

I not only lost my teeth , I lost my face?

to a young person, an ugly face foretells lovers' quarrels; or for a lover to see the face of his sweetheart looking old, denotes separation and the breaking up of happy associations. To see a strange and weird-looking face, denotes that enemies and misfortunes surround you. To dream of seeing your own face, denotes unhappiness.To see your face in a mirror, denotes displeasure with yourself for not being able to carry out plans for self-advancement. You will also lose the esteem of friends. To see a dead monkey, signifies that your worst enemies will soon be removed.To dream of seeing heavy, misshapen jaws, denotes disagreements, and ill feeling will be shown between friends.

Knocking walls down in my townhome?

I will be getting profesional opinion, but in the mean time i am thinking of purchasing a townhome but i wantto do extensive remodiling. I would like to make one room bigger and one room smaller. As far as laws goe in los angeles, does anyone know if its easy to knock walls down.

My former employer/dentist gave out my private information to several people. Can/Should I sue him?

Ok, here's the story short: I am 22. I was a patient at a certain small dental office and later was hired by the same dentist while still working there. On several occasions I came to the workplace stoned (not OK, I know, but never once due while I worked there, he confronted me with it; in fact, he brought up several of the classic "stoner" movies as his favorites, and told a couple of half-hinted stories which made me believe he was/is a stoner himself). Anyways, I guess I was not doing my job properly (mostly, because there was nothing to do all day except to wait for someone call, and I would literally read books and play on my phone all the time, and he was OK with it. But I am digressing. A couple times while being his employer, I was also seen by him as a patient, and he filled a couple cavities and fixed a loose crown. He never mentioned anything to me about my "caries problem". Then, yesterday, my mother, who is also a patient of his, came for a regular check-up and asked him why I was fired. He named several reasons, among which mentioned his speculations about my weed use (and that once he found a bud at the workplace, but again, I was never confronted about that); but then also that I had a "root caries problem typical in people with a long-term history of drug abuse). Now, first of all, I do not use any prescription or street drugs except marijuana, and I certainly was not abusing anything of what he suspected me. That, however, made my mom freak out and begin thinking that I'm a heroin-shooting junkie or what-not. But what perplexed me the most is that he used my personal PATIENT information (not employee information!) to spread rumors about me and to speculate something that is not true. That should be illegal! I am over 18, so he cannot disclose such information to anyone, including my parents, without my consent! MOREOVER, apparently (according to what my mother said), he also disclosed the same or similar information with some other patients who happened to know me (at least they had a discussion of my drug use, which stemmed from "them seeing me at some party being stoned"). (I never figured out who it was, as I do not go to any parties. Ever.) Now, that is gossiping and spreading rumors behind my back by my dentist/employer. What I am afraid of is that now I will have trouble finding a new job because of the previous employer badmouthing me, and I am sure that he will use his "extensive dental knowledge" of my "Root caries" to justify his fears/speculations of my "methamphetamine/whetevercausestoothdeca… use and try to warn other potential employers. In addition to what is described above, he also did a lot of illegal stuff like not entering some patients' names into the computer database in order to charge them whatever special price he wanted while avoiding reporting that income and, therefore, taxes; or putting me, without any license or previous experience, to assist with the patient (i.e. to hold the suction tip in the patient mouth, etc). So, law-knowing people, what can I do to get him back (or at least to stop him from spreading nasty rumors to everyone who's willing to listen)? Please reply ASAP! Many thanks for SERIOUS answers!

Why does my head hurt after extensive amount of sleep?

My brain seems to programed to sleep for 9 hours, and 9 hours only, and it seems if I get even 1 minute more than that my head just goes into an instant migrane, this doesn't happen when I sleep less, or right on 9 hours, only afterwards, PLEASE help me!

Need advice About dad..... ?

Ok so my dad is going to have to get hip surgery this year. He is hardly on board with getting it but he has finally realized that it is necessary. Long story short it's not going to be possible for him to recover at our house. We have a condo that my sister is currently living in that he could recover in, but the problem is there are steps to get to the condo. Has anyone ever been through hip surgery or known someone that has? How extensive is the recovery process? How intense is the actual surgery? What is the after surgery process like? Thanks!

Is this 20 gallon freshwater fish tank overstocked?

You should really get more Tetras and Otocinclus as they are schooling fish. If you do increase both to 6+, then you would be ever so slightly overstocked. With proper maintenance it should be fine.

I am getting some speckled sussex chicks from tractor supply but don't know how to see male from female?

The guy i talked to says they don't know which from which so i would have to be able to tell. I figured they would be able to now i have to figure out before tomorrow. Anyone have these chickens types and can tell me how, thanks.

What type of pill is this?

It is a small white oblong pill with blue speckles on it. It is a little eroded but on one side it looks like it says PIPLAX and on the other side it reads 9 9 or 6 6 depending on the orientation. I found it in my son's room and I would just like to clear things up.

Why dont girls like me?

ok so here it is. im 14, i've never had a girlffriend, and please dont say that im still young. thats why i havent given up. ok, so im about 5 foot 3 or 4, about 140 pounds( alittle chubby but mostly muscle, as i am an athelete. i play soccer and foot ball), i have blonde straight medium length hair and a strange sort of eyes (or thats what ive been told) they are prodominately green, with brown speckles and a blue ring around the edges. i have a somewhat decent face, i personally think im not very good looking but friends say im cute. alright, now for my personality, i am intelligent. i have straight a's and i am on top of my school with a 4.5 gpa. i have many friends, alot of friends that are girls, mostly 5 or 6 best friends 4 are guys 2 are girls. people say i am nice and sweet and that stuff, i make people laugh alot. i'm not afraid to talk to people that im not exactly friends with, i make them smile as well. i am a musician i play trumpet, trombone, all saxophones, guitar, drums and piano (best at trumpet). i am in several groups, like power of the pen (writing group) and NJHS (a non-profit volunteering group). im alittle shy, but not very much. im only shy of the first 5 minutes of knowing you at the most. all im looking for in a girl is intelligence, kindness, a taste for music, and a good sense of humor. looks arent that important. i mean im not here begging for help or a full fledged explanation on why girls dont like me. all i want is a reasonable idea on why.... if you cant help me id understand. thank you for any help you can offer.

Can anyone help identify a bird for me? Looked like a cross between a Mistle Thrush and a green woodpecker.?

Saw it in some fir trees, flitting backwards and forwards between the branches and the ground. Quite large and speckled with a very strong looking beak. Could it have been a young green woodpecker? This was in Worcestershire

Which parrot should I get!?

which parrot did you do the most research on? you should not buy a bird unless you have done your research on them, they are very fragile and have certain needs,certain things are toxic to our little feathered friends,, you can learn all about which bird you choose on the computer, and other good sources .

Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels need extensive/a lot of grooming and are they noisy?

Most dogs need alot of grooming in some way and it depends on the dog you get, some are noisy, some aren't. Generally, king charles spaniels aren't too noisy.

Grabbed a lady's butt at work and now she is trying to black mail me?

A few weeks ago I patted this lady on the butt at my office. She is a temp secretary I hired through a staffing agency. Okay, the project she was working is completed and I no longer need her. She has requested to work her permanently, but I told her it is not possible now. She says she may get an attorney and file a sexual harassment suit against me. However, she says she is unsure what she will do, but really hopes I can bring her on as a full-time employee. Even though, she hasn't said directly to me what she is doing, it is pretty obvious. Basically, I have to give her a job or she is going to file a law suit against me and say I am letting her go because she declined my sexual advances. They were not sexual advances, it was a one time thing and I apologized afterwords and said I was just kidding around and at the time she just laughed it off. If I can somehow prove she is black mailing me, can it cancel out her sexual harassment lawsuit? I mean, what I am saying is this, can her law suit no longer be considered if she is using it to gain leverage against me unlawfully?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is there a direct number I can call? A direct school that has a program for sonographer/Ultra Sound Tech?

I have been researching and calling multiple medical/any school that has this program and can't seem to find one for San Diego CA. I only found the UCSD program. However, there is extensive requirements prior even just eligible to enroll? Please help?

Is it possible for a betta to grow larger after it's a year old?

After a year in a 5 gal I moved him to a 20 gal. He's getting more food and exercise (chasing other fish a little) and I swear he's changing. He's just a regular red one but he seems bigger now and has several reflective blue scales speckling his body now. Is he maturing or is this from the new living conditions?

How do i repair uneven drywall?

My drywall is uneven, i do not mean it has a hole, but like the paint on an much earlier coat of paint was peeled off, and then painted over, leaving kind of like a flat crater in my wall, how do i repair that? do i put speckling down? or sand it down? what can i do?

Door on my kitchen wall. What is it?

I live in a super old building. I've always wondered about two things in my kitchen that had been there since I moved in. The first was a small craved box kinda thing. It had a closing which over the years just fell off and broke. The super eventually told me it was used for storage. Extensive research from my part showed it was called an "ice box" use to store milk,cheese etc. during the milkman's era. But the second thing i was always wondering about was never answered. There's a door in the middle of my kitchen wall across from the window about the size of a small side table. It has been locked, and painted over. It is impossible to open trust me i've tired. If it is any help i know my building was built in 1928. If anyone knows anything about it or has something similar in their own apartments please share. ;)

Why is my ghost shrimp turning black?

I was looking at him today an I noticed he has a bunch of black speckled on him. What does this mean? Also, One of my zebra danios seems to have some blakc on his fins. What is this?

What color eyes do you have?

And what is your favorite eye color? Mine are light green with brown speckles and a dark blue ring around the green.

Is there any good show like October Road?

i really loved this show but they canceled it, so if some1 can help me to find some other show that reminds on October Road or One Tree Hill thx :)

What coat color would you consider this Pomeranian puppy to have?

This is my little pom puppy that I will be picking up tomorrow. He is 9 weeks old. I have been looking around a bit on websites, AKC site, ect. to try and figure out what his coat would be considered. Would he be considered wolf sable, chocolate sable, or perhaps something else? I am just asking out of my own curiosity. I have been doing extensive research on this beautiful breed, as I want to be perfectly prepared and educated when he arrives, and this is the only question I have left that pertains to him. Thank you in advance for your input! Here is the link to his picture: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Fish sick with ick? or fungus?

i have a sarasa comet that ive had for about a year, and i put a shubunkin in with it and now the sarasa is sick. it is very itchy, in active(sits in corner alot doing nothing, fins clamped), darts around the tank like something is attacking it..(will eat like its starving so that makes me feel better), at first i could not see any white speckling the looks like salt, so i didnt think it was ick. the fish did have a medium size ulcer on its fins (which made me think its fungus) and i can see through the fins and i can even see the red blood veins, which normally its pure white and i cant see through it. Anyways ive been treating the fish with melafix for 3 days, and ive changed 1/3 of water twice.. which idk if thats to much?? or not enough to change the water?? the fish is alot more active though and swiming around normal somewhat not sitting at bottom as much... however i do see grain like salt on the fish now.. should i treat for ick and the ulcer?? or is it all just symptoms of ick

What kind of plant is this?

anyone know what this is? Its a big huge green plant with big green leaves on it. Inside the green leaves are long pointed beautiful purple flowers. The stalk is speckled green and tan color.

Any good websites that actually advertise cancelled holidays at a good price?

There are a few good prices of holidays on Teletext but when access the advertised website on internet, prices not so favourable. I know years ago "hotel allocated on arrival' and cancelled holidays used to be really good deals but do those exist these days?

P67 Sabertooth + 2600K Overclock 4.5Ghz Help?

Overclock to 4.5 GHz? Crazy? You should rather do that with a Intel Core i7 990X Extreme on a Gigabyte G1 Assasin motherboard.

How common are grayish-teal colored eyes?

I've always wondered what my eye color was because it's so mixed. Some relatives said I have blue-green while others say I have hazel because I also have yellow and green with a speckle of brown mixed in the center of my eye. But I found out that my eye color is a mix of gray and teal. I wanted to know how common or rare this eye color was?

Why is there discrimination against gypsies?

Ok, I was watching My Big Fat Gypsie Wedding, and they talked about discrimination a lot and hotels and reservation cancelling on them because their travellers and I dont understand whats wrong with them. Also, I dont understand why they dress like they do but yet they have very high morals. Why do they do that? If someone could answer these question and also give me more information about them please? Thank you.

Is my fish tank over-stocked?

Normally, I say that if you have to ask, you probably are. Yours however, while well stocked, sounds fine. You might want to get another couple of otocinclus eventually, though. Technically, they aren't schoolers, but they are fairly social, and do better with others of their own kind.

How is this story scene?

It's really good! But why does it have to be a dream? It should continue from there. :D Its awesome.

My pencil sharpener won't work?

If I can't find a pencil sharpener, I use a small pocket knife (or a small steak knife--be sure to wash it afterwards) to sharpen my pencils. Be sure to hold the pencil and knife away from you then angle the knife about 45 degrees to the pencil and take off a layer of the pencil until it's as sharp as you like. It's like whittling a piece of wood with a knife. Hope this helps.

Should I omit drug use on my application?

Honest is the best policy, but never volunteer more information than you are asked for. If you later try to get into special forces or a high security clearance and they find out you lied you will probably be rejected.


OKay start by cooling down!!Breathe!!!Wash your find a cleanser th hat will at least help reduce the size!Okay your gb na have to use girls best friend!Make-up!!Find a good conselor&add a little to your pimples!!What I use is bare mineras!!! As it's the best way to cover up ;)

ATHEISTS, How can you deny the FACT that the Bible is Scientifically accurate?

The vivle states that the sun revolves around the earth, Wrong Science did not change it, it just doesnt work that way, The bible also claims god hung lanterns in the sky,,Wrong again, As many people we have sent into space have yet to see any lanterns hanging. Only planets, astroids and meteors. God has struck out twice and does not exist.

How could I make a living doing this?

I am an extensive interest in extraterrestrial studies, a little in the paranormal and I am an avid writer. I was thinking perhaps I could write for the newspaper or something, or possibly having a radio show or something. What do you guys think? What are all the occupations you can think of that I could incorporate these three things into? As I am an not the most eloquent with speaking, the radio show might not be that great. I could also be a metaphysical teacher maybe? I don't know. Bring me your ideas!!! Please. :)

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Please help me, I feel horrible.?

I feel like ****. My 18th birthday is tomorrow (3rd) and I will not be doing anything. I haven't had a real birthday, cake or anything since I was 15. All I want is to hear happy birthday from my ex who just broke up with me, is that a bad thing? Why the hell do I still care? Why do I feel so bad still? I’m letting him ruin how I feel about my birthday..or maybe it’s just because whatever I do won’t be as great as what we could’ve had. I just feel bad because he promised we'd spend that day together, and now I know that's impossible since the plane ticket is canceled. He let me down. What the hell do I do? Please help me out here.

Any pretty rabbit names?

I bought a female rabbit, she is brown with lighter speckles. I can't think of a name :/ any help? ( I want it to be really pretty) x

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What does it mean to have "AGAT" in your DNA?

A person I know created an extensive family tree of himself dating back to the 14th century and my great grandfather is on the tree and his last name is on a DNA website and part of his DNA is a haplogroup or something called D1 something 59 I believe, and on the internet it says it includes "AGAT". What is AGAT and its function/effects?

Which farming type, extensive or intensive, do you think would cause most damage to the soil?

Another question, Give two examples of the type of farming you chose in the first question and explain how each could damage the soil.

Sports and your period? ?

So I'm on a varsity soccer team. We haven't practiced in about a month now because of school being over. During the season I got very light periods if one at all. Now that I'm not as active it's a really heavy flow. Did the extensive exercise have anything to do with that?

My mom is unbelievably rude to my friends. What do I do?

Sometimes my friends' moms will raise there voice at me, you know? But I brush it off my shoulder, no big deal. But my mom is very different! Like today, for example, she called my friend a liar to her face! Whenever I have sleepovers, we usually order pizza for dinner. My mom expects my friends to "pitch in" all of there money for the pizza- if they don't, they can't eat. She also insults my friends, and their parents, right in front of them! She says cruel things like "What bad parenting" and "She's always late". She'll make fun of them, and act like it's a joke. If my friend asks for food, she says "Go get your own food, you live down the street." Sometimes she even'll say that we aren't a homeless shelter! She even says that some of my friends are poor. When one of my overweight friends eats to quickly, she'll call them, sometimes me, a pig. She told me and 4 of my friends to get out of her house, and called us "Jack Asses" again, to our face. When she took a few of my friends and I to the beach, she refused to buy my friend a cheap snack. My friend hadn't eaten since breakfast, and my mom knew that! If my friend doesn't have money, she'll say "to bad" in a mean way. Once she almost ran over my neighbor, and didn't apologize. When my neighbor's grandma came to talk to my mom about it, my mom cussed her out and told my other neighbor/best friend that she was a brat. She's made all of my friends cry at least twice- even her best friend's daughter! On the other hand, I try and talk to her about it, and she says "to bad" and goes and hides in my dad's room. My dad doesn't try and stop it because he's afraid to- I think he's soaked some of my mom's behavior up, too! He always says no to things, and says "bummer". Anyways, my mom is even telling my friend's 8 year old sister to go home and feed herself. I'll remind my mom she's only 8, and she'll say that she's old enough to know better. To sum it up, I'm not sure why she's mean to them! They're not mean to her, and my friend's parents are really nice to me. I've started to treat her bad because she's mean to me, too! We've tried family councilors, but they don't work- my mom makes my friends sound like monsters, which they're not. My mom always has to follow the rules! For example, for some thing- I don't remember what- you had to have someone 14 years or older ride with you to go on this one thing. My friend who's almost 14, was going to ride with me, so it'd be okay; even the manager said it was fine! But my mom, HAD to complain, so we ended up canceling it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that time. There's been more- way more! A side from that, she says I have tummy problems. For the past 10 year almost, she's been "researching" and going to doctor after doctor, complaining about my tummy problems! They all tell her I don't have them, but she doesn't listen; she just goes to the next one. In the meantime, she puts me on strange diets to help me lose weight- no citric acid, no milk, no gluten, no sugar, etc. The experts say it's not necessary, but she doesn't listen to them. All my friends hate her, and there parents, literally. I'm even starting to hate her! Thanks to her, I already have a nasty reputation and even nastier rumor going around about me all over the school district. I'm loosing friends every week it seems, and some of my friends even pretend they don't know me half the time! All answers are appreciated. Thank you! I want my mom to be nice. :(

What to do with my 10 and 20 gallon aquariums?

If you weren't trying to breed them then I would say that your stocking arrangements are fine. If any of them breed then your tank will be overstocked. If you put more fish in with the danios then your 10 gallon would be overstocked. I would get a breeder tank to breed the swordtails in because your going to need a tank to grow the fry out in anyway. If you keep them in your regular tank they could get eaten, sucked into the filter, and it will be hard to feed them fry food.

How to get rid of uneven tan from peeling?

I fell asleep on the beach one day and my face got sunburnt. As a result, my face started to peel and my tan became "speckled" with spots lighter than others. What is a good way to get rid of this?

IPod touch screen speckled from water damage?!?

Nope. I did the same thing my iPod got perfume in it and I could never get it out. I even went to an iPod repair shop . They couldnt do anything.): sorry):

Terrible bangs and hair falling?

About 3 months ago my mom took me to this hair college to get my hair straightened permanently. The girl who did my hair but this one gel on my bangs to push them back and she put it on the top of my hair. My hair dryed up and started falling (I thing the girl put some weird drying gel on it). Almost all my long bangs fell out :( and now they are at a length of one inch which looks funny on my forehead. I don't want to have bangs and now I have to have them again thanks to this idiot that did my hair. How can I hide my bangs so it doesn't look like I have them? And how can I cancel out the straightening product and gel that made my hair dry? Please help!

What kind of egg is this?

my sisters found a nest with an egg in it...the egg is tiny, really light blue; almost white, this brown speckles almost covering it. The nest is twigs and things you might find in the weeds, that's the best I can really explain it.

Are dark or light eyes more sensitive to florescent lighting and bright sunlight?

my eyes are dark brown with light gold speckles and they are sensitive to the mentioned lighting situations. I basically have to look down or close my eyes.

I've left religion - but how do I live now?

We can Live without Religion.We need to live our life,To Understand,How to Live our life without any problem,According to our Circumstances,without doing any wrong to the Society and our self.

LDS:On Baptism all your sins are forgiven,so do you emerge from the baptismal a virgin?

Sex before marriage is sinful Does then baptism cancel it out and provoke a physical transformation?I just got told someone had told my young friend this

New tattoo advice about the look after it has peeled once?

My new tattoo has peeled without scabbing and i followed the tattooist advice to the letter. The tattoo underneath looks dull and speckled, i think its my hairs growing back, someone said it peels twice? Should i be worried or not as it was only done a week ago?

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

No! She is tired so she doesn't want to come to you. So it is completely understandable that if you are tired you would not want to go to her. Youre friends need to be more understanding of your situation, even though you chose to live uptown. Your friends chose to live downtown. You are both entitled to live in the location of your choice. If they want to stay friends, they need to make sacrafices too. You are not a one way street. You should talk to them about this situation. If they are good friends, they will understand and be accomodating. But you should also be prepared to possibly lose a few friends. But just remember, if you lose friends over something like this, youre better off without them because you need friends that will be with you through anything, even an annoying commute.

She dumped me now she just text me HELP your opinion. ?

my gf dumped me for her ex who was moving back into town. During the two weeks before he came back to town I paid her rent( I'm not a whimp or fool) its caise I made a promise that I would that month, n I keep promises. I even helped her bake some cakes so she could sell them n make money for her n her kids. All the time I was hurting but I believe in doing good to those who wrong u. Well the ex came into town and is now living with her. In the apt that I paid for. But that's not a big deal. Love those who do wrong to you. her daughter was very close to Me. I took her n the kids out all the time n did daddy chores n responsibilities like baby sitting n paying baby sitters. We didn't Hv a perfect releationship n I wasn't the perfect man nor her the perfect woman. I was concerned about her extensive smoking which made her breathing hard n her pot use and her drinking problems. She told me I was trying to change her n she needed someone to accept her for who she is. I guess that means don't worry if ur gf is smoking so much that she has emphysema and drinking so much she is passing out and always angry and trying to tell her to not always be angry all the time but to see things in a different light. Well even after he came into town I text her for a few days just to genuinely know if her n the kids were okay. No response. I figured she had her new life n new man. Her man left town a yr ago and moved back to T ennessee 4 hrs away to be with his kids. Now he returned and is living with her and is on unemployment looking for a job . WHY�WUD�U�MOVE�BACK�TO�LIVE�WITH�UR�EX 4 hrs away and look for a job?? I did then meet this lady n we now talk for hrs every day. We have such a connection and we both love it. She works for an airline in Europe and is visiting the United States for 2 weeks... And guess what.. We r going to meet. in her own words she said we click so well. Today my ex sent me a text saying Goodmorning how are you? I am wondering if I shud respond? And why is she bothered?

Why does Europe and America have such an extensive history of sticking their nose into other country's busines?

It's none of our business what happens in the middle east as long as they don't bring it here. We were in the middle east before 9/11 so don't say - "they did - 9/11." No imperialistic country has ever survived long because you can't just go into countries and force the people to change their cultures. The people will rise against you and you will fail. What works for us does not work for them. China with all it's military force isn't using it to try and control the world. Our troops need to be home and America needs to start minding it's own business before nations rise against us and we'll be living like we're in a 3rd world country.

I am on my period but want to go swimming?

Hiya so for my friends party we are going swimming and it's today and I cannot just cancel because it's also a sleepover. The problem is I am on my period. I started it on Wednesday and it was ok, not too heavy, not too light. Last night I didn't bleed at all. Am I ok to go swimming or should I not? Thank you in advance!

Speckles of blood on the toilet paper..?

It's possible that it could be due to sex or it could be because you've wiped with the toilet paper a bit too hard in a certain area when you've gone to the toilet.

What kind of birds are these?

I am currently residing in north-central Texas, and I enjoy a little bird-watching show out of my balcony. I can't really identify their species, though. I thought originally that perhaps these tiny finch-like birds were chickadees or house sparrows, but they don't quite look like either. The males have have black-capped heads, bronze-brown and scalloped backs, with grey bellies and a white strip on their wing, and relatively long thin tail. The females are brown speckled and also have a grey belly, although somewhat lighter. Their call is a very high-pitched, short, *chirp*, which my parakeets imitate quite well. Do you know this species?

Has anyone tried this biblical experiment?

You are mistaking a narrative as a doctrine. The passage simply relates an event with no indication that it can or should be repeated. That mentality would also likely assume that since Jesus instructed Peter to join Him for a walk on the water that we all can and should walk on water. The same mistake is made by people who read the second chapter of Acts and say everyone who receives the Holy Spirit speaks in tongues as evidence. You should read "An Introduction To Biblical Interpretation" by William W. Klein if you are serious about understanding the Bible. But first and foremost, You must understand that the Bible is God's Word to His people and it cannot be properly interpreted without His indwelling Holy Spirit which He freely gives to every true believer.

Officer, would you let me explain how my driver's license got suspended?

I moved to a new apartment and so my mailing address changed. I usually get a reminder through the mail to get my car tag renewed. I had my mail forwarded to my new address but for some reason I didn't get the reminder to renew my car tag. The post office probably thought it was spam or advertisement or something and didn't forward it to my new address. So my tag end up expiring. I got pulled over by a sheriff's deputy and got a ticket for an expired car tag. He told me that if I go and renew my tag and show him proof that it was renewed, he would take care of the ticket. So that's what I did. I went and renewed the tag and took the receipt down to the sheriff's office. The receptionist made a copy of it and told me that the deputy will take care of it. Now, three months later, I got a letter in the mail from the state's department of safety telling me that my license has been suspended because I didn't show up in court for the expired car tag. Well, I thought the ticket was cancelled, but apparently the deputy neglected to do that..

Traveling with 9 week old!?

She is YOUR baby, not your moms. If you say no, it's a no. No questions should be asked. You know what is right for her.

Small Bathroom Remodel - Window Treatment?

I have a small bathroom I'm remodeling. I'm trying to do it on a dime, but it keeps racking up. Anyway I have an espresso colored vanity, and a buttercream speckled countertop. I have a white toilet and bathtub and white shower curtain with a clear "window". The walls and ceiling are painted a green/gray/taupe - ish hue. The doors and woodwork are a walnut finish (even the woodwork around the window). For the window treatment, I'd like to keep it simple with a faux wood blind. Should I get it in White or Espresso? Or a different style/color altogether? I don't want it to be too dark in there. My goal is to make it spalike.. I should also mention the window is the first thing you see as you walk in the bathroom.

Trying to cancel a Seventeen magazine subscription! HELP?

This happens very often, more than you think. It has actually happened to myself as well. Just like you, I panicked. Usually they send you a complimentary issue as well as a bill. You just send the bill back written canceled. Or you could cancel your subscription online. They don't have a customer service number. And if they are to bill you, you are not forced to pay it. They can't arrest you or charge you for not paying them the money. So don't worry :) If you canceled your account there should be no reason for them to bill you. And if they do send you a copy of the magazine, consider it a complimentary issue! Hope this helped :) If any questions, don't be afraid to ask me!

What are these rashes and what causes them?

Hmm... How about bed bug bites? You can't see them but they bite like crazy. Try asking your brother in law about it. I think it's also better to see the dermatologist if you're worrying about those bites. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing is more irritating and uncomfortable than really itchy skin. :)

Is she wanting me to talk to her or leave her alone?

Hard telling. I hate that kind of stuff too. I say to just talk to her. She could be completely nervous, or confused. Or she could be freaked out. There's only one way to find out though. Confront her with what you're feeling, and find out her position on the whole situation. If she seems too put off to carry on a conversation, let that be a solid warning sign, and don't waste any more of your time. Otherwise it's just going to snowball into a giant mess of awkwardness.

What does he want from me?

I'm 20, he's 35. He's a gorgeous guy. Got a good career. He told me he's content being single, but that he wants to meet his soulmate. We've been flirting alot lately, and we even have pet names for each other. He's always trying to impress me with his accomplishments...I don't know why, maybe because I'm still in college and he's a P.E./health teacher and I'm a science major? Hmm. He really hinted at me coming and seeing him alot a couple weeks ago, but it just didn't work out. He was gonna come see me a few weeks ago but I had to cancel on him. We usually text each other good night almost every night but now it seems things are cooling down quite a bit. He's always telling me how beautiful I am, and how I am perfect the way I am. He said once that when I make him laugh he is a happy man inside. I thought that was sweet. He has such a way with making me feel like the only woman in the world. But I can't help but wonder what he wants from me? Just sex, relationship, friendship (a flirty one of course), or like brother/sister kind of thing? I'm sooo confused!

I need help identifying a bird?

A bird just flew in mygarage. I t has a light brown beak, speckles on his chest, a brown head, a high chrirp like in the movies, very small anda white neck! Any clue what he is??

Should I become a police officer?

NO NEVER , so corrupt. theres a reason they call em PIGS, they love power and controlling others "below" them. eff the 5-0

Friday, July 15, 2011

I hear things I no longer own, please help me, it's gotten worse?

My old house phone had the loudest most annoying ring so we took it out, and cancel our phonne service (everyone calls me on my cell). But every now and then I can still hear it very faintly like its in another room or something, and it freaks me out that I hunt for it but nothings ever there. And it's not just that, I hear dogs walking, when im in the kitchen the loud beeps from a microwave that broke years ago, and my old tv turning on. Stuff I used to hear every day is coming back and it's really scaring me. Once when I was at my friends house I could hear my truck start but when I looked nothing, then I realized I didn't own a truck (I did in high school) and there wasn't another truck anywhere around me. Somebody please help?

Help me solve this mystery! Please!?

In our backyard there are two nests with eggs in them. the eggs are sort of greenish speckled. Today I went in the backyard and three eggs had been taken out of the nest by the bird and set in a row on the retaining wall. I know the bird do it because on each egg there are two puncture wholes as if the mother grabbed the eggs and set them out. One of the eggs was split in two so I looked inside and there was a baby bird inside, dead. It wasn't fully developed, but I could still tell. I have two questions: 1) Why would the mother do this? 2) is there anyway I can save the other two babies? Like I said there are small puncture holes in them though. If I can try to save them, what do I do?? Thank you!!

What would you do in this position?

my ex fiancee is due to marry my best friend very shortly and i just cant accept it. to cut the long story short we were due to get married last year but was cancelled for personal family reasons we still spoke and met up now a month ago she drops a bomb shell saying she has been approached by my Friends family to wed him. his family are happy and her family are also happy i asked her what about you, she goes i will be happy as long as my family are. I just don't know how to accept this because i love her soo much and deep down i know she still loves me but she wont go against her family for me, i dont know whether she is doing this out of spite or hate or whatever but for me its like im attending my own funeral in so many ways as i see the guy nearly every day as he lives down the road from me and im great friends with his brother i feel so betrayed and hurt by this and i dont think i will ever move on in my life because of this for me life really is not worth living anymore

Warped Tour 2011 in Minnesota canceled?!?!?

So, the Minnesota government is shutting down this month for some reason so all government owned places will be closed with the exception of hospitals and other NEEDED places. But DMV's and govenment offices will all close for a month. Canterbury Park, where Warped Tour 2011 is being held this year, is government owned and I have heard many different rumors that Warped Tour won't be playing in MN on July 10 because the park is closing. Can anyone clear it up for me?? Will it still happen or won't it??

Black mold from fabric?

Some clothes got damp and have black mold or mildew on them. I put shout on the stains and washed clothes with detergent, borax, and clorox bleach. Some clothes came out with holes and the others still have black stains and speckles on them. Got any suggestions other then throwing away?

List of short haired dogs?

heyy i would like to have a dog sometime soon, and i need as extensive list of short haired dogs. please and thank you.

Please anwser?10 points?

I ordered a phone from and it was 105.93 and they cancelled the order and now my money is gone my card holder says there is no hold but metro says there is a hold what really happend to it

What kind of bird did I see? (Northern Illinois)?

Very nice! You have good eyes, and good observational skills. My first guess would be a Catbird, but I could easily be wrong, of course. Indigo Bunting would be right out; they're much smaller (about sparrow-sized), and behave very differently.

Does this girl want me to talk to her?

Im a guy and i sat beside a girl in class and i added her to facebook and then we had a facebook convo and i said she was not worthy to be on my list and deleted her. Then after i deleted her i sent another request the next day and i also sent some msgs like yoo $lut, go make me a sandwich kthxx :) and hi ugly :) and i said i was sorry for being mean and she said to stop sending her messages or she was gona report me. Then i called her babe and told her to add me again and she replied babe? I donr think so. So it stopped but i kept looking at her profile and it kept saying friend request sent so she didnt reject it. Then i canceled the request and readded her nd she accepts it this time. Why did she no to adding me then added me?

Any chance The Sarah Connor Chronicles still has a shot at a DVD movie?

Since it was cancelled after season 2, I read there has been talk of completing the series with a straight to DVD movie. However, most of the things I've found are from 2010, so I don't know if there is still that possibility. After TSCC aired on Syfy, it continued to produce low ratings, so I'm really hoping that because of that the chance to save the series has died.

If Obama Spent all his time Helping The Rich top 1% Would republicans like him more?

If he spent all his time canceling programs, for the poor, with a laser like focus. If he did nothing but create tax loop holes , fight for lowering corporate taxes, slashed SS and Medicare , and gave monthly press conferences on how helping those on the top, will help those on the bottom, because they will hire more people. Would the republicans like him more?

Anyone with an Autoimmune Disease or SLE?

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because for the past two years I've have severe muscle and joint pain, random fevers, stiffness, memory issues and fatigue. I did not actually expect her to find anything but she had me come in and go over the results which were positive ANA, 1:320 titer and a speckled/homogeneous stain pattern. She suggested I might want to get tested for lupus and go to a specialist, then told me to go look over some autoimmune diseases on the internet and see if anything seemed familiar. I don't even know what I am looking for, normally i would just get the tests but I just started a new insurance plan at work and my deductible is $2000 and I don't want to get a test if I don't need it. Does anyone on her have any advice or similar symptoms and/or SLE. When I say joint/muscle pain I mean severe as in some days I can barely hobble along. I also have been getting these pustuels on my hands and then all the skin peels off my fingers. I am a 26 yr old female, no history of autoimmune in my family. I was negative for lyme, positive for EBV but I had mono in the past. I'm sooo confused. I have cold toes and fingers but I always have had that, I actually ended up with frost bite on my toes a few years back because of it. I have mild hair loss, more than average (everyone at work teases me about finding it everywhere) but not crazy amounts.

How to cancel a seventeen magazine subscription HELP?

so i was entering for a freebie on seventeen then when i was finished filling out the form i pressed enter and it said it was sending the magazines to my house!! D: i dont want that please help! ASAP


Move on definitely. I don't even know you and I feel like this guy is NOT for you. Now the way you move on takes awhile. It'll seem like you'll never forget him but you will. Or you'll just look back and say "I was stupid to fall for him" or anything like that. Be patient. That's all it takes. Ups and downs are natural too btw. Maybe try to talk to yourself. As creepy as it sounds, it'll help make more sense in your mind.

What options do I have?

You are in a tough position and the Arbitration process is you only recourse. Unless you have specific written documentation or actual witnesses to your offer and acceptance of the job it will be hard for the Arbitrator to find in your favor. Good Luck

What would the World have been like if the Moors?

We would be 2 centuries more advanced scientifically and socially. The Christian church opposed anything they couldn't explain in terms of a god and were far less tolerant socially than Islam.

The Sims 3 Update Error Help?

Well I haven't played the Sims 3 in ages and my sims launcher says I'm on 1.19, it started updating and I accidental cancelled it now it's saying that my game is up to date but when I try to play the game it says theres an error. Is there any way I can force an update or something?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What species would a white owl with a black/gray tail be in Florida?

There is a smallish owl outside my apartment window with some odd coloring that doesn't match Florida wildlife. It is a conservation area, but it seems too lucky for me to have seen a snowy owl down here. Its almost purely white except for the tips of its wings and its tail, which are dark gray or black. There are a few speckles above that but not many. It is about a foot tall, and not too big around. What species would that be?

Colours to paint my room?

If you decide to keep the carpet, a pale golden yellow on the walls would look nice. Also the "beachy" look is very popular now, watery blues, sea glass greens, I think they are very pretty.

What genre of poetry would this be?

I didn't know there were necessarily genres for poems... so excuse my ignorance... but it sounds like something a Transcendentalist would write. Like Ralph Waldo Emerson. I think it's brilliant, frankly.

Can I use my expired contract sim and use it as a pay as you go?

Ive lost my phone and need one until i get a new one and i have loads of old phones that i can use but no sims. I found a Virgin Media sim it was on contract but i cancelled it, can i put this sim in a phone and top it up like you would a pay as you go phone or would that not work?

What is extensive reading?

Extensive just means a lot, and wide ranging - extensive reading just means doing a lot of reading of books in a lot of subject areas (or possibly a lot on a particular subject, depending on the context).

Does this flow well? Do you like how it is written?

This didn't make that much sense to me and kept going on and on describing different agonies happening to the person without (from what I read) any clear cut explanation. There was no exposition, only a character talking I guess. Good descriptions but not enough setup of WHO, WHY, and HOW in the excerpt.

Other than Medicaid, could I really cancel it out to get private insurance?

Okay so I get child disability (a bit over $700 a month, close to $800) and in my state that qualified me for medicare and medicaid to cover the medicare costs. However, since I'm also getting lots of backpay from SSA and saving a handful of it for housing later, I know that if I keep over a certain amount for roughly 6 more months I could lose medicaid but i was wondering if I really had the option to use a private insurance to cover medicare instead of medicaid? What are the pros and cons? Without medicaid, over $200 is taken out of my check per month, would using private insurance help the issue too?

Am I off in my thinking and theory of this or am I on base with my thinking?

Please give me your it me,or what? I am 26 yrs old and have worked in the past for a firm whereby the boss was very demanding, argumentative, challenging, demeaning and very difficult to deal with, and demanding. He runs a high tech computer marketing firm in Detroit where I worked for one year. I was paid a draw (commission) for four months and over the course of that time period closed a few deals in a bad economy. He took the draw back, paid me my commissions, then sent me and email and certified letter advising me that after the draw was recovered further commissions for deals I had closed would cease, BUT I could remain as part of the company and get paid on new deals, but not exsisting closed deals of which he was still getting paid for from the clients. I moved to Texas and took a position in a similar field. I still own a home is Detroit, but it is rented out. I have not heard from him or his company is a few years, but two months ago my neighbors home in Detroit was vandelized. It was NOT my home, but a homes with the exact same address, on the same lane, but in a different town. I get their mail and the same goes for them on occasion. I thought nothing of it, but my old boss called me a week ago to say hi, and asked if I might be interested to doing some deals with his firm again. He said that even though we did not do as well as he and I had expected when we worked together, said he still considered me a friend, and wanted to do some deals, otherwise he said he would not have contacted me. He also said that if things did not go well in Texas knowing the market is bad, suggested that I close deals for him on the side, and end up back in Detroit working for him again. He also asked if I would be in town ( Detroit ) any time soon so we may speak about the opportunity. I said, no, as I am too busy with work in Texas right now, but did suggest I would make some calls and see if we can drum up some business. He is a difficult guy to deal with, wants things only his way and is very short when speaking with people. I gives one word answers...Yes, no, ok, sure..etc when I need answers to extensive emails. I wrote lengthy emails to him in the past regarding business deals than required attention. He would get back with, yes or no.....very criptic. I have been dealing with many issues lately and my instincts are not too sharp, but do you see anything in what I wrote as being anything more than random. Thank you..C Halpren

What is wrong with my friend? He's acting strange?

So, lately I'm getting so tired of my friend who has been lately making plans then he cancels at the last min. He never did this before but this past month he did it 4 times! I get ready and right about the time when it's time to go he calls and will be like I'll call in a little and let you know what's up. Then texts or calls and makes up some excuse why he can't go. He told me he liked me a lot and had feelings for me but I don't recipocate those feelings and told him so. Then he told me that he at least wants me as a friend in his life. And he's been acting weird lately since then...he'll say dumb things and will be like "im sorry im acting stupid/weird." what is wrong with this dude?

Is GFR >59 good or bad? I had some blood work done due to bad kidney pain.?

I have had swollen painful joints since I was 17 and am now 29. My ANA came back positive with a titer of 80/speckled pattern. Sometimes I get this weird rash on my arm in the same spot (where your elbow bends) that looks like a ton of broken blood vessels. They think I have lupus or RA...but my RF factor came back normal. I am going to see a rheumatologist in a few weeks but not knowing is driving me bonkers. Also in my blood work my CO2 was flagged high at 30 and my anion gap flagged low at 6. My hands are really puffy all of the time!!! The joint pain is mostly in the a.m. but in my hands lasts all day...but if its in my knee or feet sometimes it goes away after walking for a couple hrs. Any advice or help out there???

I am DV Lottery 2012 winner, my results were cancelled. What should I do?

Diversity Visa Lottery -is a lottery organized by US Department of State every year, it is a visa granting program , that every year gives a chance to 50 000 people worldwide to leave and study in US on legal basis.

What's with this guy?

he puts his gf first, and their shared activities next (dancing, biking, etc), then his family/friends. A lot of times he cancels (even last min) on his family/friends just to be with the girlfriend esp if it involves their shared activities. however he has not introduced the gf to his family/friends, despite beign together 1 year. he is committed to her tho, no other girl, etc. and wants to make it work long term.

How rare is the merle markings?

My dog just gave birth to an unexpected litter of puppies. Two of the puppies have a light gray coat with dark gray/black patches unevenly/speckled. I was told they are blue merle markings and that those markings are very very rare and produce personality problems. So I am wondering just how rare, and if there are any problems I should know about.

I can has "well written"?

Hey man. Your story is really good and is actually quite scary. The only thing I would add at the beggining is some sort of reference that it is a dream not an actual event. This could be as simple as adding the words "the dream always begins the same way..." But overall this is really good.

Can I add one or two more female swordtails to this tank?

Get two or three female swords (best to have one male to 3 females but 2 is okay) and a pearl gourami, you have plenty of room. Wait do you mean a powder blue dwarf gourami or a pearl gourami? Either one should work. I would avoid an opaline gourami unless you get a female as the males can be aggressive, but I think the powder or pearl would be better. Most of your species stay small so three or four more fish should be totally cool especially if you have a good filter and keep the water quality up. You sound like you know what you are doing so I think you will be just fine. Happy fishkeeping.

Scorpio Friend question?

My friend is a Scorpio and sometimes when you make plans he's usually up for it or is the one making the plans. but sometimes for no reason at all he would just cancel or say he cant be bothered or shut himself off from everyone. Its usually not like him cos hes the last person i would consider lazy.

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Is my jealousy justified or am i insecure?

I met my current bf online. I lived in the US states and he lived in PR. I always traveled over there each year for months at a time and so it was convenient to know someone who i can hang out with. What started as friendship ended up in a relationship. He really showed that he liked me, spending all the time he could talking to me and even when he had no phone or internet he would do the impossible to contact me. I met him face to face and we hit it off, I stayed in his house for a month, but we had been talking about 5 months prior to us meeting. I really liked this relationship and decided to make it work, committing myself to travel for months at a time each year and stay with him. At the time he was losing his job and my parents fearing that they would lose me invited him to come live with us. He was so inlove with me and decided to take the offer. He left everything he had, his apartment, his family, his friends, his car etc When we started living together he became extremely jealous, to the point that i literally could not take a dump alone. The time passed and things changed. Our relationship hit some rocky roads but all was okay at the end. He showed me he loved me most sincerely as did I. But then things changed along the road. This is where im gettin at, since he felt all he wanted to go to PR for a week for Christmas and new years to see his fam. I understood that he missed his family but he NEVER addressed why he wasnt taking me, which made me understand that he didnt want me to go. Since then i started mistrusting him, cuz if he didnt want me to go there must have been a reason. He met all my family and I only met the person who he considers his 2nd mom (his actual mom passed away) but I havent met the rest of his family. From then on things got a little rocky. Anyways so ever since we got together he cut off all his female friends and so i did the same with my male friends. But then i dk out of the blue he decided to look for them, because he said "he wasnt married" So i notice that hes talking to girls and he thinks im not jealous, cuz before this i never had a reason to mistrust him. I get suspicious and put a tracker on my computer which he uses, I discover that he planned to leave me. Later, he discovers what I did but i deny it till the end. He has no actual proof of what I told him was wrong so he lets it go. When these females start poppin up i start fighting with him. I ask who they are n at first he's resistant to tell me but then he lets me know their old friends etc.. it was 2 girls, 1 who was going to get married and one who just had a bf. The almost married i wasnt worried about but the one who wasnt I was. Some time passes and I become more insecure because he talks to these girls and i how to see how much time. Then i remember that I can track the activity of the cell phone through my carriers website. When i discover I see that he talks to one more than the other and for extensive amounts of time (texting). So I start flipping out. I called the girl who just had a bf and asked why was she talking to my man so much. She told me that HE was the one that looks for her, which is true because i verified it online. We fight and he promises me that he will not talk to her or any other female. So i let it be, but i still remain insecure. Things get rocky again between us and as i keep tabs on him i discover that he broke his promise, i confront him he says he wont choose me over his friends and I throw him outta my room. We argue and then finally we make up. Then I keep having tabs on him to see if he talkes to the same girl that I dislike and that we had troubles for after I told him to stop he said hewouldnt. Then yesterday I discovered that he started talking to her on the phone which blazed me. I decided to no longer stand for this. I confronted him and told him how his actions were affecting me (making me depressed, stressed and angry) i asked if he was still talkin to her he said yes. I told him to stop and he said that he wouldnt because their just friends.

HELP! Installed new hard drive on Hp mini 110 and now have a constant "windows is loading files" loop problem.?

I installed a compatible hard drive into my netbook but that message keeps looping. The files seemingly load, but then I get resent back to the HP logo with the options to Change Boot Device Order and Bios setup option, and then I'm back to the "Windows is loading files" And it just happens over and over and over again. How do I fix this? With the HP mini 110 you can't go into Safe mode or even that whole (F8) screen without actually logging into the computer (At least that is what I have learned through extensive research) So what more can I do? Please help me somebody!

Can you mix amoxicillin and meclizine?

Meclizine, amoxicillin, and any headache med are perfectly fine to mix together. They all work in different ways and should have no adverse effects when mixed.

Politics:Why liberals/leftists dont know that nationalism is natural?

Multiculturalism isn't about blending us all together, but as you said, appreciating the beautiful differences of those around us. It's about promoting peaceful understanding of our neighbors.

Does this girl want me to talk to her?

Im a guy and i sat beside a girl in class and i added her to facebook and then we had a facebook convo and i said she was not worthy to be on my list and deleted her. Then after i deleted her i sent another request the next day and i also sent some msgs like yoo $lut, go make me a sandwich kthxx :) and hi ugly :) and i said i was sorry for being mean and she said to stop sending her messages or she was gona report me. Then i called her babe and told her to add me again and she replied babe? I donr think so. So it stopped but i kept looking at her profile and it kept saying friend request sent so she didnt reject it. Then i canceled the request and readded her nd she accepts it this time. Why did she no to adding me then added me?

Is it a froglet or a toadlet?

Hello i live in the uk and i have a froglet/toadlet, it is black with a speckled belly and is the size of a little finger-nail. The other tadpoles are brown patched and don't seem to have any speckles but are about 4 cm including tail. I got them frog a big lake in leeds and they were all at the side sucking algae, i wan to know if they are frogs (rana temporaria) or toads (bufo bufo).

How to convince my mom?

well, i got summer school. now im grounded but i was sopposed to go to arizona this sunday. i have to go on tuesday. im grounded. how can i convince her to let me go and take a online school so i can do it in arizona with my family? she canceled the ticket but its used as credit so im assuming it can be used? anyway what should i say so she could let me go?

Help with Black Ops - control room?

For the level in which you have to prevent the space shuttle from blasting off in almost the beginning of the game, when you cancel the time limit, how do you get inside the control room???? PLEASE HELP!!!

Suggest some books and references related to ethical hacking?

If there are websites also no problem, but i as far as i have seen websites are not giving satisfactory information. I known basic methods of hacking - SQL Injection, Crossed XSS. I would like to all method in very extensive and advanced manner. More elaborate with much of programming and not many should depend on software. If possible someone could help me kindly please

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to reduce noise when printing?

I made a business card in photoshop and there is NO noise while it is on the screen... but when I go to print it it is FULL of speckles!!! I have tried all the reduce noise features in photoshop but like I said... when it is on the screen there are no speckles! I'm guessing this is a printing problem then?! How do I fix this so it prints correctly?! I have the printer quality set to enhanced which is the highest and i have full ink in the printer.

Did I find a Bird, Lizard, or Turtle egg?

I found a tiny egg in the grass (I almost stepped on it). I don't have the egg with me right at this moment, but I would estimate that the egg is about 1/2 inch long. It's a very very light blue/green and has a lot of brown speckles. What is it?

Does this mean he's not interested anymore?

Okay, he's just most likely playing hard to get. Invite him to a party or somewhere out with a couple of friends so it won't be awkward.

Any Greek goddesses of kindness, or sweetness?

I want a really good name for my puppy. She is speckled light brown and white and looks like brown and white sugar mixed. So I was thinking a name meaning sweet, sugar, nice, blah blahhhh :)

A question about Prednisone?

You could.. You could also die from a GI bleed or an Addisonian crisis. Prednisone is distinctly NOT a DIY project.

Ticks on my cat, please help!?

Well my cat is pretty much an outside cat. he's pretty young and always outside, well, earlier he came in my house, and I noticed little tiny tiny ticks on his ears. they look like little speckles, I want to get them off with tweezers but I don't want their heads to get stuck and they seem to small to get with tweezers. what should I do??

I feel ugly! if ur insensitive to the truth don't bother?

I know i am a guy and i shouldn't be expressing my emotional side and just be ignoring my emotions. i feel ugly since a couple of days. i am a virgin and have not kissed anyone of the opposite sex at age 16 and i feel immaculate. i feel as an idadequte male. ill be honest i doubt the size of my penis and i feel wierd about my scrotum skin being extensive and unapealing. i wonder if others my age feel the same way. i am not that fat! please help

Could the NFL and NBA lockouts make the Heavyweight division great again?

If both the NBA and NFL (or either one) cancel their seasons, could that make the Heavyweight division in boxing great again and more competitive and change the landscape of the division, what do you boxing fans think

My mom is mad at me 'cause of something I did in a dream & is cancelling our dinner plans for 2 nite?

Apply peanut butter to your mothers left hand, and put a vice grip on her right earlobe. Wait 1 hour.

Any Greek goddesses of kindness, sweetness, nice?

I want a really good name for my puppy. She is speckled light brown and white and looks like brown and white sugar mixed. So I was thinking a name meaning sweet, sugar, nice, blah blahhhh :)

American Express Gift Card magically has a $0 balance.?

Using a prepaid/gift card at a gas station is always a bad idea. Most gas stations put a hold of $75 on any debit card until the transaction posts. This is a pre-authorization charge. This can take up to 7 business days. A credit card will only get charged for the amount owed but debits don't have that restriction & gift cards are considered debit cards for transactional purposes. The money will be returned but you will have to wait and, next time, just pay cash for gas, it is a lot simpler.

Kingdom Proclaimers Active in All the Earth..........?

If Jehovah's Witnesses( the cult) believe that Jesus was the created spirit creature Michael the Archangel before He came to the earth, then their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.But we shouldn't be surprised.Jesus said " Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many". I feel sorry for the people that the devil has deceived but that's what's written.

How can I get nail varnish out of clothes?

I got speckles of red nail varnish on some clothes and I am desperate to get it out, I'm really panicking as they are one of a kind. I have tried scrubbing it with nail varnish remover, but it's only spread it and now it's dried in but spread so I can't scrape it of...what shall I do?

What kind of bird is this?

I rescued a young bird who's mother was killed by my stupid neighbor. I thought it was a robin but my dad said that the eggs were white and speckled instead of blue. Could you tell me what kind of bird this is?

Why every second continued game is more fresh ?

I mean Infamous part one is somehow not significant and gray colored and part two is opposite of it. Also Assassin's Creed part one is also! same as infamous with just bit less juice than AC 2 and 3 had the missions are LOT more extensive than part 1 have and like everyone mentioned here its more COLORFUL (I got this from own experience, I just play both part 1 and 2 today and I really love second part). I guess Prototype 2 will be also more action and shiny. They could delete these parts and make one all-configured game :) (lol impossible). I dont have nothing to it but I cannot just overlook this one ! What do you think guys ?

I cancel my application for abroad but the agency took my passport and not giving it back what should i do?

By international law, passports are the property of the government that issued them. It is illegal for anyone else to confiscate them. Tell the agency that you will file a complaint with the police if they do not give yours back. Hopefully, you live in a country where the police will actually respond to your complaint.

How do I restore a transaction on iOffer?

I made a mistake by cancelling a transaction on iOffer and I need it to be restored so I can track my item. Is this possible? How?

Am I making more of this than it is or am I correct in my thoughts?

Please give me your it me,or what? I am 26 yrs old and have worked in the past for a firm whereby the boss was very demanding, argumentative, challenging, demeaning and very difficult to deal with, and demanding. He runs a high tech computer marketing firm in Detroit where I worked for one year. I was paid a draw (commission) for four months and over the course of that time period closed a few deals in a bad economy. He took the draw back, paid me my commissions, then sent me and email and certified letter advising me that after the draw was recovered further commissions for deals I had closed would cease, BUT I could remain as part of the company and get paid on new deals, but not exsisting closed deals of which he was still getting paid for from the clients. I moved to Texas and took a position in a similar field. I still own a home is Detroit, but it is rented out. I have not heard from him or his company is a few years, but two months ago my neighbors home in Detroit was vandelized. It was NOT my home, but a homes with the exact same address, on the same lane, but in a different town. I get their mail and the same goes for them on occasion. I thought nothing of it, but my old boss called me a week ago to say hi, and asked if I might be interested to doing some deals with his firm again. He said that even though we did not do as well as he and I had expected when we worked together, said he still considered me a friend, and wanted to do some deals, otherwise he said he would not have contacted me. He also said that if things did not go well in Texas knowing the market is bad, suggested that I close deals for him on the side, and end up back in Detroit working for him again. He also asked if I would be in town ( Detroit ) any time soon so we may speak about the opportunity. I said, no, as I am too busy with work in Texas right now, but did suggest I would make some calls and see if we can drum up some business. He is a difficult guy to deal with, wants things only his way and is very short when speaking with people. I gives one word answers...Yes, no, ok, sure..etc when I need answers to extensive emails. I wrote lengthy emails to him in the past regarding business deals than required attention. He would get back with, yes or no.....very criptic. I have been dealing with many issues lately and my instincts are not too sharp, but do you see anything in what I wrote as being anything more than random. Thank you..C Halpren

Will she text me one of these days or am I forgotten? ? ?

Mayb she is busy. But personally u seem to desperate for her atention. u r always redy to chat or txt and now she knows that. this girl is taking advantage of u. she is playing with your emotions. its okay to really want to talk to her but mayb you are coming on to strong .i suggest u back off a little and give her a little space u know . u should try asking her the days shes busy mayb then u will get a response. hope i helped

How would you handle this issue if it were related to you?

Please give me your it me,or what? I am 26 yrs old and have worked in the past for a firm whereby the boss was very demanding, argumentative, challenging, demeaning and very difficult to deal with, and demanding. He runs a high tech computer marketing firm in Detroit where I worked for one year. I was paid a draw (commission) for four months and over the course of that time period closed a few deals in a bad economy. He took the draw back, paid me my commissions, then sent me and email and certified letter advising me that after the draw was recovered further commissions for deals I had closed would cease, BUT I could remain as part of the company and get paid on new deals, but not exsisting closed deals of which he was still getting paid for from the clients. I moved to Texas and took a position in a similar field. I still own a home is Detroit, but it is rented out. I have not heard from him or his company is a few years, but two months ago my neighbors home in Detroit was vandelized. It was NOT my home, but a homes with the exact same address, on the same lane, but in a different town. I get their mail and the same goes for them on occasion. I thought nothing of it, but my old boss called me a week ago to say hi, and asked if I might be interested to doing some deals with his firm again. He said that even though we did not do as well as he and I had expected when we worked together, said he still considered me a friend, and wanted to do some deals, otherwise he said he would not have contacted me. He also said that if things did not go well in Texas knowing the market is bad, suggested that I close deals for him on the side, and end up back in Detroit working for him again. He also asked if I would be in town ( Detroit ) any time soon so we may speak about the opportunity. I said, no, as I am too busy with work in Texas right now, but did suggest I would make some calls and see if we can drum up some business. He is a difficult guy to deal with, wants things only his way and is very short when speaking with people. I gives one word answers...Yes, no, ok, sure..etc when I need answers to extensive emails. I wrote lengthy emails to him in the past regarding business deals than required attention. He would get back with, yes or no.....very criptic. I have been dealing with many issues lately and my instincts are not too sharp, but do you see anything in what I wrote as being anything more than random. Thank you..C Halpren

My cat had kittens, I want to keep one of them , what should I do?

My mom says I can't keep my little flash because my mom doesn't want to keep one. What should I do to get my mom to let me keep one and get rid of Speckles.

How do I cancel a friend request on Facebook using the app?

Go to their profile, block the person and then the friend request will be canceled, then you can go and unblock the person if you want :) You just go to their profile and scroll all the way down and it will say "block this person".

Why have advertising companies decided to devise annoying commercials like 118 and Halifax.?

Every ITV channel starts a break with those 2 goons from 118 and then ends the break every time the show is about to start. Old Speckled Hen with a fox (and foxes are renowned to kill hens) is also annoying. Particularly worrying are the Halifax adverts which are so worryingly "nice" and set in sound studios of all places whereupon we have to listen to their "nice" and ironic music. Can't we do anything politically incorrect these days ... I reach for the mute on the remote every time.Bring back fox hunting and the old PG tips adverts too.We've got to have a laugh some time.

To cancel entire booking, is there any refund?

i want to cancel the entire booking and wait for my employer's signal date to re-book, is there any charge?

I need fair skin.. plz help?

Look.. I am from India and i am dark. My mom tells me i was fair when i was born then i lost it. probably due to extensive football that I play. Now i have grown dark. My friends tease me too. I really want to get fair. I feel jealous of my friends who are fair. My dad refuses to buy cosmetics that give fair complexion. He says they are for girls and they do not work. I really am in a fix please someone help me.... I really am desperate. Please suggest something what shall i do. I really feel like.. like I feel my life cannot move on without fair skin.. I really NEED fair skin please help...

Is it a froglet ot toadlet?

Hello i live in the uk and i have a froglet/toadlet, it is black with a speckled belly and is the size of a little finger-nail. The other tadpoles are brown patched and don't seem to have any speckles but are about 4 cm including tail. I got them frog a big lake in leeds and they were all at the side sucking algae, i wan to know if they are frogs (rana temporaria) or toads (bufo bufo).

If received Stafford Loans for whole year are you on the hook for spring?

Hi I kind of procrastinated to the last minute and now need to get my financial aid together quickly. I was wondering though since you have to accept the stafford loans based on the entire school year(Fall&Spring semester) before the start of first semester, If I was to decide to transfer in the spring to another school would I be on the hook for those loans or is there a period of time to cancel them before they are disbursed. Basically I'm asking are the loans for the spring disbursed now also and cannot be refused before the start of spring semester or can they be.

What would you do in my situation? Ex-wife's Fiance wants to talk.?

My first marriage, her 3rd. I was young dumb and naive, but treated her with respect, caring, paid for all her bills, never yelled at her and loved her and did everything I could possibly think of to save our marriage. Including getting her into a psychiatrist and medicated and into extensive marriage counseling. She treated me like a door mat and I seriously don't know whether I can marry anyone again she was verbally abusive, cruel, kicked me out of the house while I paid all her bills and lived alone in my paren'ts basement 1/2 the marriage. I learned her stories about her previous ex weren't all true from her own children and I feel embarrased that I ever fell for her and love her. Weve been divorced for 3 months and she's found a innocent victim of a 19 year marriage ending in divorce because she cheated on him. And he's walking around with his head cut-off so to speak (information coming from ex's bro. in-law) Now he is wanting to talk to me. However I don't get the opinion that he will talk to me without his Fiance present (my ex-wife of 2 years and one son). What would you do? I don't really want to get involved, but I just know that she put me through living hell and that there are so many similarities in the way she's caught and seduced this guy into her as she did me, there is just so many similarities it's scary. I don't want him to get another divorce, but I respect my ex-wife and don't want to harm her. What would I say? Is it even worth it? And Do I go out of my way or do I remain silent and let this older guy find out the hard way?

What does a white naked lady ecstasy pill look like?

What does a white naked lady ecstasy pill look like? These are the ones I was sold, and I'm questioning their validity. They are about 3/4 inch in diameter, white, a tad bit speckled, and they taste really sour like warheads. They are not bitter at all, like I am used to. I just don't think I'm feeling anything, and I want some opinions. Please help me.

Best Cities in China?

Then Shanghai is the best choice. It is no doubt that Shanghai is a famous city, and the most important indicators to evaluate a city such as the economic environment, public servigoods aresure goods in Shanghai are recognized as good. There are also some schools teaching Kung Fu. As to the transportation, it is very convenient to go everywhere, if you want to go other Asia countries, just book a fly.