Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do i buy apps on my LG quantum?

I just bought my LG quantum, and every time i go to an app's info page to buy it, two buttons come up.. "install" and "share" i click install and then there are two buttons that say "Buy" and "Cancel" but the buy button isnt highlighted so i cant click it... and then a white box comes up telling me the info couldnt be found and to check back later.. any help??

Game fly is it good? Worth it?

So i was watching tv and saw the promo code G4 and i tried it at and its the free 14 day trial but is it worth it. And after the trial ends what if i still have the game? Do i have to send it back. And Also after the trial will they automatically change to the packages or will it cancel by it self after the trial because after the trial i wont use gamefly anymore so i dont want to be paying for something i'm not using. Will they send me an email saying the trial ended and would you like to switch to a package? Because right now all i want is Black Ops and i really want to try it. And is it a good deal, how fast to ship it to new york for one game? And when they send it to me do they send it to me at my door or at the post office? Do i have to sign anything when receiving my package? Also give me any other information i need to know about gamefly like customer service and stuff.

Found a bird egg? (question is too short)?

Check for cracks, if there aren't any then continue what your doing. if it hatches then keep it warm until you can get it to a bird rehabilitator because they will be able to identify and care for the chick until adolescence when they will release it. IT IS ILLEGAL TO KEEP MIGRATORY BIRDS IN YOUR HOUSE

Did I miss anything? Grooming box question?

you need fly spray. Also I dont know how often you bathe your horse but shampoo and conditioner and showsheen for when you are done bathing. baby wipes are also very helpful when you are cleaning there nose and around there face. Also I like to keep corona( like neosporin but for horses) for cuts and gloves in my grooming kit. I think you should get another kit for first aid. Its always helpful to have basic products in case there ever is a problem with your horse. I like to keep corona in there, and a basic scrub just in case there are cuts that need to be washed down. Peroxide is also very helpful.

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

You're not being a *****. You are a really nice person and seem to be a bit of a pushovet, if your friend is too tired to ride the train you are not obliged to drive her.

Boyfriend seems to be avoiding me, what do i do?

It doesn't really sound like you are even dating anymore. I think you should just make it official and tell him its over. Maybe that's what he wants, maybe not. It doesn't matter, he's failing as a boyfriend and you deserve better.

The people doing my training treat me like an idiot. I just quit, did I do the right thing?

I would have spoken to the boss about the way the other employees treat you. Also never just up and quit without at least a minimum of two weeks notice. It its just not a good or fair thing to do to an employer. People nowadays have no patients. Those other people should have tried to be understanding of your needing a little more help. Sorry that you got stuck with people like that.