Saturday, July 16, 2011

She dumped me now she just text me HELP your opinion. ?

my gf dumped me for her ex who was moving back into town. During the two weeks before he came back to town I paid her rent( I'm not a whimp or fool) its caise I made a promise that I would that month, n I keep promises. I even helped her bake some cakes so she could sell them n make money for her n her kids. All the time I was hurting but I believe in doing good to those who wrong u. Well the ex came into town and is now living with her. In the apt that I paid for. But that's not a big deal. Love those who do wrong to you. her daughter was very close to Me. I took her n the kids out all the time n did daddy chores n responsibilities like baby sitting n paying baby sitters. We didn't Hv a perfect releationship n I wasn't the perfect man nor her the perfect woman. I was concerned about her extensive smoking which made her breathing hard n her pot use and her drinking problems. She told me I was trying to change her n she needed someone to accept her for who she is. I guess that means don't worry if ur gf is smoking so much that she has emphysema and drinking so much she is passing out and always angry and trying to tell her to not always be angry all the time but to see things in a different light. Well even after he came into town I text her for a few days just to genuinely know if her n the kids were okay. No response. I figured she had her new life n new man. Her man left town a yr ago and moved back to T ennessee 4 hrs away to be with his kids. Now he returned and is living with her and is on unemployment looking for a job . WHY�WUD�U�MOVE�BACK�TO�LIVE�WITH�UR�EX 4 hrs away and look for a job?? I did then meet this lady n we now talk for hrs every day. We have such a connection and we both love it. She works for an airline in Europe and is visiting the United States for 2 weeks... And guess what.. We r going to meet. in her own words she said we click so well. Today my ex sent me a text saying Goodmorning how are you? I am wondering if I shud respond? And why is she bothered?

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