Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How would you handle this issue if it were related to you?

Please give me your it me,or what? I am 26 yrs old and have worked in the past for a firm whereby the boss was very demanding, argumentative, challenging, demeaning and very difficult to deal with, and demanding. He runs a high tech computer marketing firm in Detroit where I worked for one year. I was paid a draw (commission) for four months and over the course of that time period closed a few deals in a bad economy. He took the draw back, paid me my commissions, then sent me and email and certified letter advising me that after the draw was recovered further commissions for deals I had closed would cease, BUT I could remain as part of the company and get paid on new deals, but not exsisting closed deals of which he was still getting paid for from the clients. I moved to Texas and took a position in a similar field. I still own a home is Detroit, but it is rented out. I have not heard from him or his company is a few years, but two months ago my neighbors home in Detroit was vandelized. It was NOT my home, but a homes with the exact same address, on the same lane, but in a different town. I get their mail and the same goes for them on occasion. I thought nothing of it, but my old boss called me a week ago to say hi, and asked if I might be interested to doing some deals with his firm again. He said that even though we did not do as well as he and I had expected when we worked together, said he still considered me a friend, and wanted to do some deals, otherwise he said he would not have contacted me. He also said that if things did not go well in Texas knowing the market is bad, suggested that I close deals for him on the side, and end up back in Detroit working for him again. He also asked if I would be in town ( Detroit ) any time soon so we may speak about the opportunity. I said, no, as I am too busy with work in Texas right now, but did suggest I would make some calls and see if we can drum up some business. He is a difficult guy to deal with, wants things only his way and is very short when speaking with people. I gives one word answers...Yes, no, ok, sure..etc when I need answers to extensive emails. I wrote lengthy emails to him in the past regarding business deals than required attention. He would get back with, yes or no.....very criptic. I have been dealing with many issues lately and my instincts are not too sharp, but do you see anything in what I wrote as being anything more than random. Thank you..C Halpren

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