Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fish sick with ick? or fungus?

i have a sarasa comet that ive had for about a year, and i put a shubunkin in with it and now the sarasa is sick. it is very itchy, in active(sits in corner alot doing nothing, fins clamped), darts around the tank like something is attacking it..(will eat like its starving so that makes me feel better), at first i could not see any white speckling the looks like salt, so i didnt think it was ick. the fish did have a medium size ulcer on its fins (which made me think its fungus) and i can see through the fins and i can even see the red blood veins, which normally its pure white and i cant see through it. Anyways ive been treating the fish with melafix for 3 days, and ive changed 1/3 of water twice.. which idk if thats to much?? or not enough to change the water?? the fish is alot more active though and swiming around normal somewhat not sitting at bottom as much... however i do see grain like salt on the fish now.. should i treat for ick and the ulcer?? or is it all just symptoms of ick

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