Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is GFR >59 good or bad? I had some blood work done due to bad kidney pain.?

I have had swollen painful joints since I was 17 and am now 29. My ANA came back positive with a titer of 80/speckled pattern. Sometimes I get this weird rash on my arm in the same spot (where your elbow bends) that looks like a ton of broken blood vessels. They think I have lupus or RA...but my RF factor came back normal. I am going to see a rheumatologist in a few weeks but not knowing is driving me bonkers. Also in my blood work my CO2 was flagged high at 30 and my anion gap flagged low at 6. My hands are really puffy all of the time!!! The joint pain is mostly in the a.m. but in my hands lasts all day...but if its in my knee or feet sometimes it goes away after walking for a couple hrs. Any advice or help out there???

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